Perhaps I don’t hang around kids that much these days. After all, I was a kid once and some would argue I AM STILL ONE! Leaving that aside, hanging around
North Ryde Team Snow Trip Report
Wow.. what a weekend! Plenty of snow, heaps of ‘team bonding’, new friends, laughs, snow fights.. What more could I ask for?? Putting up with snoring, marathon 6 hours drive,
Learn To Snowboard In 1 Day
As much as I love snowboarding, I can’t help but realise I enjoy passing on this passion to others as well. Last year, I managed to get a friend on
Snow Trip with Family 2008
I don’t even remember the last time I travelled anywhere with my whole family together. The last trip was probably more than 10 years ago, when I was still in
Soup in Giant Bread
They say people are creatures of habit, and I guess I’m no different when it comes to food. For lunch, I usually go to the same food court, eat the
Introducing The Foot Stamping Game
It all began one day, while Kiran was busy chatting away with the ladies. I was hungry and was trying to pull him away to have lunch. I went up
Eating The National Icons of Australia
It was a pretty short week last week, and weekend arrived rather quickly. Once again, myself & Kiran put on our tourist guide hat, and took Chris (our colleague from
Gambling with an Office Vending Machine
Ahh.. Vending machines. These darn things can either give you the quick fix you need, or be the source of absolute frustration! I rarely come near these things, since I
Shopping For Balls
Perhaps you raised your eyebrows for a second reading the title of this post. You must be thinking “What balls am I talking about?!”. Before your mind wonders too far
Multi Cultural Lunch Event #1 (2008)
I am at it again. Out of the blue, I feel the need to do the socially responsible thing of getting the team’s butts off their chairs and off the