It certainly feels like ages since we have traveled anywhere since the pandemic lockdown a couple of months ago. Few months later, Singapore is in “Phase 2” lockdown, and we certainly don’t look like we will be travelling anywhere outside of Singapore any time soon! Unlike living in Australia, where you have the option to travel interstate to at least feel like you’re getting out of town, we really don’t have that option in Singapore. Our options are so called “staycations” and perhaps a visit to a few local attractions!
This week being a school holiday week, we decided to venture out a bit and visited River Safari. One thing is clear, it is pretty uncrowded especially considering it’s a school holiday week! You could look at it as a positive not having to line up for anything. Another difference is that you have to wear a mask, which we are pretty used to by now. But it’s still a pretty annoying having to wear that for extended period of time!
Anyway, here’s a short video I put together to show those who intend to pay it a visit during this lockdown period.