Baby Ethan’s First Modelling Gig

The concept of having a baby crawling around a ‘new bed’ before a couple gets married is a new one for me. It’s meant to be a Chinese custom to symbolise wishes for many more babies to come, for the newly wed of course. At 4.5 months, baby Ethan scored his first ‘modelling gig’ when our rental agent messaged us if we are interested in ‘lending’ her our baby for a couple of hours for this ‘ritual’. She spotted him probably about a month ago, when she dropped by to discuss lease renewal, only to fall in love with little baby Ethan.

Baby Crawling On New Bed

It didn’t take long for Wai Kuan to agree to it, given there’s incentives involved (i.e. Ang Pow or red packet money of SGD$168 involved). So, off mummy and baby went and both came home looking like they enjoyed it!

Baby On Bed

It’s either he was fascinated with all the new things he could touch, or all the ‘red’ colour. Apparently he didn’t cry all day (which is extremely rare)!

Baby on Bed

Mummy didn’t do too bad either, coming home with a small ‘Ang Pow’ of her own as well, including a buffet lunch as a ‘Thank You’ from our rental agent.

Doris & Maid

I guess if there’s more ‘gigs’ like that for baby, both mummy and baby wouldn’t mind!! Milk it while it last! At just 4.5 months, baby earnt his first income already!!


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